Adult & Senior Team Leagues

Team Tennis

Leagues for Adults and Seniors in Hampshire & IOW

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Tennis run a number of leagues for Adults and Seniors throughout the year.  These include:-

Singles Box Leagues

Building on the successful introduction in 2023, the County Singles Ladder Leagues are being replaced by a new format of Singles Box Leagues

Head Seniors Leagues

Ladies 40’s and 50’s Doubles, Men’s 45’s and 55’s Doubles run between April - September

Contact:  Jenny Sayer –

National League – Summer

For Adults (Open) featuring singles and doubles run between April – June

Contact:  Sandra Holmes -

Head Summer Doubles

Men’s Doubles and Ladies Doubles run between April - September

Contact:  Jenny Sayer –

In addition to the Hampshire & IOW Leagues, there are the following District Leagues:-

TypeLeague NameFormatTime of Year
AdultSouthampton Apsley LeagueDoublesApril – August
AdultSouthampton Winter LeagueDoublesSeptember – March
AdultBasingstoke & District Summer LeagueDoublesApril – September
AdultBasingstoke & District Winter LeagueDoublesSeptember – March
AdultEast Hants Summer Tennis LeagueDoublesApril – September
AdultEast Hants Tennis Winter LeagueDoublesSeptember – April
AdultAldershot and District LeagueDoublesSummer and Winter
AdultPortsmouth LTA – Summer and WinterDoublesApril – August & October – March